Cardiovascular Health Campaign on 26-28 September 2023

In light of World Heart Day on 29 September, CERN's Medical Service is organising a Cardiovascular Health Campaign on 26-28 September 2023 in collaboration with the CERN Fire & Rescue Service, CERN Clubs, HUG, NOVAE, and Save a life.

The objective of this interactive campaign is to raise awareness of CVDs among the CERN community and provide information and tools to prevent them. The campaign will address several themes, including diet, physical activity, stress management, life-saving gestures and will also provide quick evaluation for you to get to know your heart health and risk factors better.

It will mainly take place at Restaurant 2, but please note that some activities will be held on the lawn of Restaurant 1, and conferences will take place in the IT amphitheatre (31/3-004).

You will find all the activities and timetable here !