Governance and Administration

The Management of CHIS is the responsibility of the Director-General, who determines and implements the relevant organisational structures. The CHIS Rules define three governance functions:

The Strategic Advisor is appointed by the Director-General to assist him or her in drawing up the medium- and long-term health insurance strategy.

The CHIS Board, created in 1992 is a sub-group of the Standing Concertation Committee (SCC). It is responsible for the preparatory work preceding discussion at the SCC on the adjustment proposals submitted to the Board by the Strategic Advisor in accordance with Article XIII 1.02. (see the CHIS Rules). The CHIS Board is a joint body comprising representatives of the Management of the Organization, on the one hand, and of the Members of the Scheme - active members of the CERN personnel and beneficiaries of the CERN Pension Fund - nominated by the Staff Association, on the other.
The terms of reference of the CHIS Board include :

  • proposing measures to contain costs and to adapt the levels of benefits and contributions;
  • drawing up proposals to adapt the policy of the Scheme according to the general evolution of the needs of the Scheme and to the available resources;

The CHIS Board is not entitled to handle individual cases.

The CHIS Manager is appointed by the Director-General.  His/Her mandate includes, among other things, monitoring the financial position of the Scheme and its funds, monitoring developments in the health insurance systems in the Member States and other intergovernmental organisations, monitoring and supervising the performance of the contract between the Organization and the Third-Party Administrator . He/She ensures the day-to-day operation of the CHIS.

The Director-General appoints a Third-Party Administrator (TPA) for the day-to-day administration of the Scheme. The current TPA is the insurance company UNIQA GlobalCare SA Switzerland.